Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I'm official, the Freedom of Information Oklahoma (FOI) has accepted my OPEN GOVERNMENT PLEDGE! I'm the 10th signer of the pledge this year in my candidacy for Guthrie City Council, Ward I. By signing this pledge, I "uphold the inherent right of Oklahomans to know and be fully informed about their government."

See:  http://casb.okstate.edu/cas2/media/faculty/jsenat/foioklahoma/pledgesigners.html

Sorted by Jurisdiction, Office Sought & Candidate
Jurisdiction Office Sought Candidate Elected
Guthrie City Council Ward 1 Wood, John
Jenks School Board Ward 3 Abdo, Melissa M.
Norman Mayor Rosenthal, Cindy
Norman Mayor Sherman, Thomas E.
Norman City Council Ward 1 Heiple, Greg
Norman City Council Ward 3 Castleberry, Robert
Norman City Council Ward 7 Holman, Stephen Tyler
Norman City Council Ward 7 Lockett, Linda
Oklahoma City School Board Chair Hardin, Lynne
Stillwater City Council Seat 2 Noble, Gina


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