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Guthrie City Hall (Watch from home on GTV20)
Guthrie American Legion
Guthrie City Hall
American Legion Hall
First Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall
Calendar of Events
Meet John at the following Guthrie events. Or contact him directly.First and Third Tuesdays, 7 pm
Guthrie City Council MeetingGuthrie City Hall (Watch from home on GTV20)
Fridays, Noon
Guthrie Noon Lions MeetingGuthrie American Legion
Feb. 12, 6 pm
Transportation Authority (Watch from home on GTV20)Guthrie City Hall
March 9, 9 am
Logan Co. GOP meetingAmerican Legion Hall
March 14, 6 pm
Spaghetti FeedFirst Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall
March 20, 9:30 am
Chamber CoffeeTBA
April 2
Don't Forget to Vote!
At your local polling place.